Wedding pics
Yes, it's finally over ... our dream wedding! We had so much fun! JR and I loved every minute of it ... we just took in how everything happened ...just like a slow motion! Visit and go to Diary and check out the onsite AVP that Shierdan made for us. Also, you can check out some pics at Fol Rana's site and go to JR and Kharen's wedding. More stories later ... we just arrived in TO! BTW, this is my favourite pic
We had a wedding shower last Saturday, November 11. And it was great! We had so much fun just hanging out with our families and relatives and everyone had a blast! It's not a typical wedding shower really...more like a get-together but I enjoy gatherings like this :)
Ok, I admit it ...I'm getting more and more excited by the minute! Feeling a bit nervous and anxious at the same time ...ugh! My uncle, grandparents and brother left for Manila yesterday and now it's becoming more real that we are leaving in less than 2 weeks for Manila too!!! Yipeeeeee! So much to do still but hopefully we'll be able to manage! But before we leave, Jarrod's going to have his first confession on Nov. 27th...can't believe we have a 7 yr old! His 1st Communion is next April ....time flies! Man, I feel old! Too many things to be thankful about though! :) In the meantime, have to start getting focused!
We got our invites last week na and we've (I mean my Tito Boy in Las Pinas) mailed a few of them na. On delivery and service, I would like to highly recommend Ms. Trina Valenzuela :) Very affordable pa! I just need to get an actual copy since we're overseas. But my family said na it's simple yet elegant - just how we wanted it! I just need to work on the misallette, reception programme & song list! We're in the process of booking the bridal car with Streetline :) We're getting a limo!!! Nice, huh?!? It's my hubby's request...hehehe!
We finally got our measurements taken by a family friend today and will be sending it out to Enan and Tet. And my best friend, Norie (maid of honour), also went to see Tet for measurement taking too. Getting more things done. Well, I was looking at the calendar and it's only 8 weeks before we leave for Manila! Yipeeeeee! OMG, I think I have butterflies in my stomach ....hehehe.... I know soooo exaggerated! But time really was December when we first talked about our church wedding/renewal of vows and now it's almost here! And I've started having some "wedding nightmares" already! LOL! Just things like forgetting to get a florist and car....hmmm...ok got the florist...still have to get the car....JR's dream bridal car...a limo! Will do that today and hopefully have it booked soo. Gosh, and I still have to read th reminder sheet that my coordinator forwarded to me...ugh....the small details!!! Oh right, and I still have to work out :( Almost crunch time!!!
Since early this year, JR has been talking non-stop about playing Foosball. So when he switched to his new job this month, he had mentioned how he would miss playing Foosball. Ok, I have been thinking about getting a surprise b-day gift for him and I thought this would be perfect for him this year. His b-day is not until end of October so I thought I had lots of time, right?!? Wrong! Just a week and a half ago - he was talking about wanting to get one right away! So I had to be sneaky and try to dissuade him from getting one this year. I told him we still have the trip and wedding to think about so he shouldn't buy it yet. But no, he still wanted to get one and so I decided to get his friend's help to stall him. I contacted him last Thursday and he told JR that they will get it next week - which gives me this weekend to decide! Well, I called my uncle on Friday night to see if I can borrow his van but I found out that he was working ...darn!!! So I decided to visit the place anyway on Saturday morning - and yes, I had to make up a lie that I had some hair appointment that day ...well, I still had a short hair treatment so technically, it's not a whole lie....hehehe! I went to the store and talked to the guy ....and I was able to haggle without even trying too much! I was even able to cut the delivery cost to $20! Anyway, had to ask my sister-in-law to tell JR that we don't have to go to my in-laws until 2 pm that day so that we can wait for the Foosball table to be delivered (JR's uncle's b-day lunch was on that day which is why I had to go in the AM). And it worked cuz I was bale to pull it off!!! Here's a pic of the Foosball table: